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51 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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One fuckin' solid beat

This is one fuckin' solid beat man, real powerful, a real and pure determination of your love for hip-hop (ok, I'm going a little far now... better get back on track).
So, it's been a while since I reviewed any of ya songs here, so expect me hitting up all your newest ones as well. So, beat's superb and simple, and powerful, but I've said that enough... Synths sound like usual, just playing another cool melody, which, by the way, sounds great and a lot like S-Rock (no kidding : /).
The drum beat sounds interesting, as if it was some kinda mix between a hip-hop beat and a jazz drum-line, but that's probably not it at all... Anyway, that's just what I thought I heard... For some reason, this song has a more epic feel than your other ones, I'm sure it's because of the strings, which you don't use that often actually.
Anyways, this song kicks royal ass, great job!
How about a scene?
If you ever happened to hang out in New Jersey late at night, you might have seen him, heard him, or caught a glimpse of him perhaps... You maybe even talked to him... He's black, he's got a suit and tie, he's english, and he's got a sword... This, is the story of Dukum, the lone swordsman from New Jersey.
Dukum was a respected business man, but as he saw that the society he faced was corrupted and that nobody did anything or even cared about it, he decided to take matters into his own hands...
From then on, bloody fights took place in dark streets. Dukum would take his sword and fight dealers, corrupted cops and businessmen, mobsters, criminals... Dukum is the symbol of those who are tired of this sick society, but only he got the balls to fight it. Full view on a nasty midnight battle against a couple of criminals; Dukum lightens his suit, loosens his tie, grabs his sword, and cuts up those thugs running towards him. Blood splashes here and there, pieces of raw meat fall on the ground, turning the place red. (1:10) Every evening, towards 3:30 A.M. he stops by his ex-wifes apartment in the bronx, to kiss his sleeping girls good night. He's maybe a cold swordsman, but he's also a loving father after all.
Back on the street, nothing can stop him, pistols, desert eagles, AK-47's, uzis, thompson's... nothing. This fight lead every night, is Dukum's Revenge.


S-Rock responds:

Awesome Stuff, I'm glad I love reviews :D

"a flop in my eyes" God in mine

I have to diseagree with SES here, because I think that everything in this beat is flamming hot, and way hotter then SES's recent beats, that's for sure.
The synths here are pretty cool, with their sort of gangsta' feeling to them, they remind of Nc321's synths. The beat is quite solid, and powerful, even though I'de tend to make it more explosive, but you did a fair enough job on it.
Now this is where I'de wanna slap SES in his face, the horns. Those horns man, are probably the godliest, sexiest horns on the audio portal, they give SO much power to this beat, it feels like it's someone's entrance, making his show. I'de give 10 simply because of the horns. "possibly a flop in my eyes"? God in mine.
And I just HAVE to create a quick scene with this beast:
It's late, or possibly very early... The sky is all black. A black man calmly walks down a street. He just beat the shit out of some joker who was mocking him. He can hear the sirens out in the distance, coming for him. But he keeps cool, he's still calm. This guy is a famous rapper, a superstar, and he doesn't give a shit about the rest.
He can finally see the police cars arriving in the distance. Engines roaring. Lights shining. The cars approach him. But he keeps on walking, and stretches his arms horizontally, making the shape of a cross. We see him from behind, with the police lights up front, creating a shiny red and blue outline of his dark silhouette. He greets the police lights as if they were paparazzis taking pictures of him, and the call of the sirens as if they were the croud, cheering for him.
There you go Greeksta, hope you enjoyed this, and I do hope you'll release more of this kinda shit soon enough. SES is the joker who got his ass kicked, and you are the gangsta who's walking towards the police, acting cool.


Greeksta-69 responds:

more coming for you, better than ever

much love

An interesting, and multiple song

This was quite a curious song, mostly because it contained three very distinctive parts. The first part was very cool, very filmesque, and it had a good intense feeling to it, mostly because of the choice of instruments that made it sound very powerful, and very epic. The second part, was probably my favorite, very action-packed, and sounded real good. The choice of instruments in this case was probably a little more banal, like most D'n'B, with a touch of epicness that made me picture Solid Snake :O
The drums in that part were very powerful, they almost made the sound of a storm. However, the third part bugged me, and that was because of the singer's voice and her way of singing, which I personally couldn't stand very long... Not saying she sings bad, she doesn't, but I just, really, didn't like the way she sang. And probably the biggest problem was the fact that this part lasted forever...
1944, Frankfurt, 02:10 A.M.
In a very secure german facility, an american soldier is held prisoner. The rain pours powerfully, and it almost covers the sound of the guard's foot steps.
A car stops nearby. Inside, are two american soldiers, ready to sacrifice their lives to the prisoner's. Not by pure honor, but because he had aquiered valuble information regarding the nazi government and it's operations. There are no more questions to be asked, they have to save him. The first one comes out (Ron Perlman) and takes a look around. As soon as the second one comes out of the car, the action starts...
(00:37) In not even an instant, the guard's throat is slit by the american. Without wasting a second, they enter the facility. They start climbing the brick walls to avoid attention once inside the building. Upon arriving at the 3rd floor, the american shatters the window with his own fist, and barges inside. The few soldiers who ran torwards him with machine guns get thrown against the nearest walls. The second american comes in by the same window with a machine gun and fires all over the place, killing all nearby ennemies. It doesn't take too long for the american to find the prisoner, who immediatly follows them.
(1:21) They all jump out of the window, landing on wet stones. The germans start firing from all windows, but in vain. The three americans start running torwards the escape vehicle. Once inside, they start the engine, and drive away.
(1:25 - End) On the way, the prisoner reveals to both of them all the crucial information he has learned till now.
I also thought of another scenario with this song:
Metal Gear the movie featuring Chuck Norris
You've got to admit that would be kick-ass :D
Hope you enjoyed all of this. Cheers,


SimPelyRocks responds:

wow.. This is the first time that I get such a long review. Thank you.
As you can hear, I am in a learning progress, and that's why I am very greatful to read your opinion. I also enjoyed your storyline. Now, I see that the long part (that was ment to be very emotional) is kinda boring. btw. the voice is not from a real singer. ;) (computer generated voice)
Maybe I can write something for one of your vids?? (nice stop motion vid btw) I already tried it with 'Twilight'. http://www.youtube.com/ + watch?v=B4P9eTCaPXE

A third part is indeed a good idea

Instead of doing my usual; melody, instruments pattern, for once I'll start my review differently:
Well, overall it's quite a good song. I really have to agree with Haggard on this one, about the two parts, and I think adding this third part could make the song really good, giving it a little more action. About what apparently other people complained about, meaning not enough calm parts, I think there are fairly enough of those honestly. But what I'm complaining about, is about the fact that you call this classical rock, when what you should have really done is add a powerful, kick-ass electric guitar, yeah, that would have been awesome. Appart that, all the other instruments are good especially the horns that were quite powerful, and the melody is fine.
I ran out of things to say, so I'll do the scene:
On a clear night, a man can be seen running, and jumping from roof to roof.
At first we have no idea why. Scene filmed right in front of him; we see him running furiously, but we don't understand... yet. That's before we see a big, black, military AH-64 Apache helicopter chasing him. He knows it's right behind, but nothing will stop him now.
There's a tall skyscrapper up front. He's going to jump for it, even if it's a good dozen meters away. He runs. He approaches the edge, and delivers what could be his final breath. He falls just when the Apache opens fire. The many bullets hit the building up front, which detonates a small explosion, creating a rain of glass. The man manages to hang on to a pole, which throws him inside the building. Once inside, he starts to run torwards the roof. The explosion creates a small fire inside the building, the alarm goes off. The man keeps running torwards the top, and finally makes it. Once on the roof, he takes a quick look around and sees the Apache flying away.
For just a second there, he says to himself "It's over", just at that moment the military helicopter turns around. "I talked to soon...". There's only one thing left to do, jump. He stands back. The helicopter approaches. He starts sprinting, he comes close to the edge... and jumps just as the Apache opens fire. On the next scene we see him flying torwards the next building, and behind him, the skyscraper's walls getting riddled with bullets, windows shattered. He lands on the next building, while the one behind lets out another explosion, making the structure collapse to the ground.
He keeps running, using all of his strength, and all of his energy to save his life. The AH-64 Apache turns around once more, and this time flies real low and real close to the building roof. It's now right behind the running man. The edge is near. But he won't jump, not this time. Instead, right before the edge, he falls to the ground (of the roof), letting the helicopter pass by. It does as expected, and the next skyscrapper being very close, it doesn't have time to swirve away. Half of the vehicle hits the building. Burning bebris fall to the ground. The propellers smoke and stop. The engine starts swirling in circles, and falls to it's death, all of this while the man on the roof watches this with pleasure. "Game over my friend" he says.
Damn, that was a fun scene to make, funny fact; I originally intended to use the AH-1 SuperCobra for the story, but when I saw the AH-64 Apache, it looked way too bad-ass to not be used in this scene. Hope you enjoyed all of this!
Tell me what you think bro!


Step responds:

Wow, so this is how it feels like getting long reviews :D. Thanks, GX3! Ima happeh :P.

Well, I might have a bad interpretation of Classical Rock, but according to my friend, Classical Rock would be classical instruments such as strings, piano, brass, etc. playing along with rock drums. Oh well... Yeah, the third part is something I'm really considering. It will be hard to make since as I said I have to export the song every time, but I already have some good ideas for it, and curiously, reading your scene gave me those ideas :P.

Speaking of the scene, it was really great. I'm really impressed how well it fits with the song. On its own, it's already a powerful and gripping scene, but with this music playing in the background, I'm amazed how well it fits, and I can easily imagine what you portrayed in the scene. Damn, you really should learn flash, grab other people's songs and make awesome flash movies out of them :P.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome review and the excellent scene, keep up the great work, you've been an awesome help as always! Thanks again :D.

Great (different) song!

First review here. That's strange, a good song which everybody ignores... What a shame... Anyways, I'll be the first!
I must say, this is a very good sounding song, it's very cool. The melodies are quite original, and are good. About the instruments, their unusual for some reason, well maybe appart the guitar, the rest is... unusual. All of them together just sound different from all the songs on this site. But it sounds good, I like it! I wish they were more of these type of songs on this site... And, this sounds alot like a trailer song for some reason. I can easily see a trailer with this song, but we'll get to that. The guitar is extremely cool in this song, awesome guitar man.
What I thought was too bad, was the fact that the song wasn't concentrated on the guitar after 30 secondes, and that's too bad because in my opinion it was the best part of the song. So what I could suggest is this, maybe you could do another song, where you concentrate on the guitar, I suggest doing another because this song is great like this.
I guess I'll skip right to the scene:
We see a buisness man (George Clooney), in a suit and tie, standing in the middle of a desert, holding a black briefcase, just waiting there, looking pretty satisfied.
The story behind this man is a commercial and profitable dream. One day, at his basic desk and office, something hit him. An idea. He decided to create the biggest railway ever built. He said "I will build a railway that goes all over the U.S.A.". And that's where his journey started. A journey that brought him in alot of different places, where he had to face a lot of different people.
So he started going to places like Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Mississippi, Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Wyoming, even Canada, and to each place its problems. The people in certain places got pretty rough when he showed up, sat down and said "Hi. We're going to build a railway that'll cross your state/country." like those folks up in Canada. Others were just too short on cash to contribute to this project. Of course, some people were very ok with it and accepted, but others just stood there, not knowing what to answer...
So he kept going, managed to get half the project starting. And after a good couple months of investments, the railway was torwards completion, despite the encountered law suits and court sessions during the project.
And now, there he is, in the Nevada desert, waiting for a squad of trucks to arrive. He's always the first to arrive. He sees the trucks in the distance. He smiles. He's satisfied.
Hope you enjoyed the scene!


Tombor911 responds:

yeah its awesome. but i am sorry thats all i can say. its too awesome for words. lol

A tad too short, a not that great

OK, let's get this review done:
The melody was ok, but no more really... It gets better at 0:25 where it gets a little more active. What's funny is that, the instruments sound very basic, like default loops, stuff like that, BUT somehow the entier melody and song manage to make it sound, not so bad. So, the melody is ok, but just ok, instruments are kinda flat, and the song is a tad too short, and, there's no real beat, but it's not that bad. I'm not saying "Your song sucks", no, it doesn't, it's not bad. But I'll throw you a bit of advice:
Give your song a good flowing beat, it's too flat.
Make better loops maybe.
That's kinda it... But you got potential, so you've got to be able to make better songs, I believe in you man!
So I'll just get to the scene:
New York, 1971
This is the story of Joe. Joe the bum. Joe is your average day bum, sitting there around the block, handing out his plastic cup for pennies and dimes.
But one day, Joe wakes up, to a supposedly average day, only to see in front of him a folder with "FBI" and "TOP SECRET" written on it. He doesn't jump on it, or grab it furiously, he just takes it, and goes through it quickly, interested.
He then finds a page with today's date, and an adress. He walks there, curious to see what he'll find. At that place, he doesn't find anything, so he waits... an hour. After an hour of just watching the world go by, he goes torwards a mail box and opens it. Ah HA! An enveloppe. He takes it, taking his time, and opens it, another adress. So he takes the enveloppe with him and starts walking. Behind him, a black sedan pulls over, and two men in suits and sun glasses go torwards the mailbox, surprised to not find anything...
So Joe, walks to the other adress, same routine, he waits an hour or two thinking "I'm a secret agent", no more enthousiastic then that... He then walks around and finds another enveloppe, takes it, finds another adress, walks away... Behind him, two sedans pull up, men in suits come out of them and shoot at the each other.
He arrives at a warehouse, goes in, and sees a whole bunch of men in suits with guns in their hands. Joe takes his plastic cup and says; "Could you guvs spare some change?"


SirKoto51 responds:

Thanx Man, honestly, looking back at that song now, I think it's not that good either XD i do have another i made that has a tiny bit more action and instruments to it, I am kinda new at making MIDI's, They are fun to make whenever I have some free time on my hands. So thanks for the review, and good scene/MIDI agreement.

Amazing + cool '80s feeling

First of all, this song is amazing. It's great, it has a cool melody, and has a cool late '80s, early '90s feeling to it, probably because of the guitar, which is very cool. And, last but not least, the coolest thing about this song, is that the guitar gives it the cinematographic feeling of films like "Black Rain" with Michael Douglas or "Year of the Dragon" with Mickey Rourke (both from the '80s), with a touch of modernity to it.
So, about the melody and instruments; melody was really cool, like most of your songs. The instruments; this was interesting, most of the instruments you used, well acctually all of them, are instruments you often use in your songs, and they all gave a good kick-ass feeling to this song, like that epic trailer sounding part at 4:49. Except that the guitar you used felt kinda old, not saying it was bad, like I said before, it's really cool, but what was funny is having this very modern, trailer like sound being invaded by a guitar that seems like it's strait from the '80s. Very funny, and very cool.
I really don't have much more to say, except that you better make some more stuff that sounds like the '80s heheh. :P
And, I've decided to make a scene for this song:
Chinatown, Manhattan, 1987
These were the days where the brick walls in chinatown were still all red, where a bunch of cars from the '70s were still around, and when a lot of crimes were still commited...
(0:17) Its night, the street neons are all lit up, there's a slight, cold rain, the kind that's a real pain. 22:09 P.M. the police finally arrive on a fresh crime scene, located in a dark alley behind a big parking building, a young chinese man with a slit throat. 22:32 P.M. a dirty, red 1974 trans am arrives. It stops next to the alley. The driver comes out, his name's inspector Frank Cortigan (Nicholas Lea). 37 year old Frank has been inspector for a couple of years now, and everyone knows that when Frank shows up, that's means Frank's in charge, no questions asked. He slowly walks through the alley, he sees the body, stops to look at it, he then lits a smoke.
(0:34) The investigation's on, Frank rides around chinatown, looking for the right people to talk to, and it doesn't take much time, since he knows this neighborhood very well. (1:25) After talking to a few people, he then finds a guy who's clearly hiding something, he takes him out onto an alley behind a restaurant, and beats him good. He tells him the triad/chinese mob is responsible for the death of the young man. The situation is getting serious... But Frank's ready, even if he's got to face the triads.
(2:33) The '74 trans am suddely flies through the streets, followed by a group of slick black sedans. The Triads. Aerial view of the chase, the chinese mob attempts to fire at the red vehicle, in vain. The shots echo throughout the entire neighborhood. Other scenes show up at the same time as the chase, Frank interrogating a mobster, and getting mad, or running on building tops followed by a bunch of chinese men in suits. (3:33) One of the black sedans closest to the trans am gets a flat tire, swirves against a concrete wall which sends it flying against the others. A crash can be heard, pieces of glass and metal fly through the red alley, and it all ends with an explosion. (3:41) More interrogating, more blood...
(4:15) Frank drives his car throughout some streets, takes a smoke, his zippo lighter, lits it up. Another scene where he fights off a lone triad member, hoping to get some information...
(4:49) Now this is the kick-ass trailer part, more sedans chasing the trans am, Frank running in the street holding his pistol, another chase... (4:58) Frank fighting off a mobster in some crappy hotel room, one of the black, slick sedans doing a barrel roll in the air, and Frank going through a window. (5:08) Frank's silhouette, smoking.
Hope you enjoyed this super long scene man,


DavidOrr responds:

Wow, what a great scene you've created! I loved reading through it while listening to the music. You should become a writer :)

Thanks for the great review!

Fantastic guitars

Well this song had some big ups and downs, like in my opinion, that little instrument we hear at the very beginning, was a big down in my opinion, it did not go at all with the jazzy, funky, rock feeling of the song. But on the contrairy, the guitar we hear at 0:52, was... oh my god... pure awesomeness... it was SO good, but what was too bad about it was the fact that you only put it twice into this song. If you would have made a song with that guitar as the main melody during the entier song, that would be such a great song... A godly song... You must do that. But about that guitar, what was really too bad was that torwards 2:00, the guitar really sucked compared to the part at 0:52.
What I would do, would be to get rid of the funk parts and fill them with guitars, unless you make the funk parts better, maybe a little catchy, something like that... Anyways keep making those guitars that good, because they're kick-ass.
New York, 1976
Two friends are fond of drinking, smoking, girls, and cars... Especially fast cars, and their habbit is to drive really fast and attract attention, even if it's police attention. They take out their old, green, beat up 1970 pontiac GTO, and take it down to the streets, driving it really fast, and getting attention everywhere. One late afternoon, they get drunk and drive it fast, again. (0:52) Except this time, a cop caught sight of them, and engaged a high speed pursuit, which ended in the pontiac hitting a parked car, and flipping over. The two buddies leave the car unharmed, they look at each other in a stupid look. They are sentenced to prison 10 years for dangerous driving.
(3:07) 1986,
They finally come out of jail, with long hair and big beards. They seem to take life slowly again, but fast enough, it all starts over again, the drinking, the girls, and the driving... it all ends up by coming back.
Hope you enjoyed it my friend,


palee81 responds:

hi, thanks for the kind review. I think you didnt like the middle guitar part because it was mainly improvisation, i gotta train that a little to make it well :) I see your point about the beginning, it's not groovy enough to really call it funk...actually I wanted it to make a counterpoint for the second part of the song, but yeah it could be improved.
The scene was really sad, i mean when the GTO was destroyed, i had some tears rolling down (love those beasts lol). But seriously, the scene was fitting well to the music imo (i had something similar in my mind about that one). I have gone through all the scenes you wrote for people and I have to say you find the right spot most of the time, and put in the details that make it live. And thanks for crediting in 'The music', it was nice to see the story ugraded:)
Keep making the scenes, you're doin right,

Awesome song

Well, first off, I must say that I do not agree at all with michellpougnou, this song is superb and not that repetitive, I love it.
Sure there's no real christmas spirit in it, but who gives a fuck, it's a great song my friend, and you should keep it that way! The guitar is great, even though a little repetitive, but that's no big problem, because many other elements give some variation to the song itself. The fact using two different guitars was a nice touch in my opinion.
I like this kind of music; calm, with an acoustic guitar, doing a young, cool, teenage feeling to it, I really enjoy that, and I wanna hear more like this. There ain't enough of this sorta music on this site. Overall, awesome song.
16:31 P.M. Christmas eve,
A young guy wakes up to christmas eve. He takes some big red clothes to dress as Santa Claus and give gifts to the neighborhood kids. He takes them and throws them into a big bag, and leaves his house. He walks down the sunny street as all the kids run torwards him, asking for a little something. He gives out gifts for a while, when a motorbike shows up. A big black, shiny harley davidson. It's his best friend who dropped by to say hi. With his biker friend's help, they finish giving away the gifts quickly, and then go for a ride through the orange sunset.
So there they are, a biker and a guy dressed as santa claus on a harley davidson, driving on the road. They end up spending the rest of the afternoon together, driving around, stopping to get some coke and beer, drinking up, driving a bit more, they take turns driving. Then they stop again, walk around, drive some more, then stop and look at the orange sky, laying on car hoods while the biker smokes, and they just talk...
Have you ever liked a friend as much as a brother? These guys do...


KieranNG responds:

Thanks heaps man, I'm really glad you liked it!

Sorta minimal...

As the title says, it does kinda feel minimal indeed, which was kinda too bad.
The first part of the song, meaning until 1:20, the whole thing was ok, but it does sound like you could have added a little more, something extra. Something to make the beat more powerful. Then, for the part that started at 1:21, the synths started really well, but never came to an explosive beat, know what I mean?
But what did sound good was the compilation of the synths and the beat at 3:05, that worked quite well. So I would suggest going torwards that direction, and making your beats get to an explosive song, because that part at 3:05 clearly shows that your synths need a powerful beat, and your beats need a background synth.
01:03 A.M.
A police inspector comes back to his crappy hotel room after having a dozen drinks at a nearby bar, he's totally drunk. Be he couldn't resist going to that bar, after working more than 48 hours non-stop on this complex and incomprehensible case. He attempts to walk torwards his bed, and falls upon all the evidence from the case: pictures, classified documents, paperwork...
He takes some pictures and papers in his trembling hands, pins them on the wall, hoping they will connect with each other or to some other evidence on the wall... nothing... He's so drunk he can't even concentrate on walking correctly, so how in the world does he expect solving the case like this? It's like solving the zodiac case at 3 in the morning after having an entier 6 pack...
He takes some pictures and papers and pins them onto the wall... wait... didn't he just do that? He looks at the fully pinned wall. It hasn't changed, or... wait, that document wasn't there before, no it was... was it? Did it change? Did he even put anything up on that wall? He takes some papers and documents, some pins and puts them up on the wall... no he didn't... But he just did... Did he put these on the wall? He looks around the room which seems to be turning in the opposite direction, like an infernal carousel. Black. He opens his eyes, looks around the room, it doesn't twirl around... But the bed is on the other side of the room, half of the pinned documents are gone, or on the floor... He looks at the time; 3:42 A.M.
What the fuck just happened? Did he fall asleep for more than 2 hours, or did he make a total mess everywhere and fall to the ground? He slowly walks torwards the other room, hoping to find a beer... or something alike. Then this awfull, cold and heavy head-ache shows up, he firmly closes his eyes to try and get rid of it... but it doesn't go away. He opens them again, and realises the door is wide open... Did he leave it open when he came back... If not, that means that there's another possibility to why the room is a mess... Someone could have came in if he was out cold, someone could have came in.
He doesn't like that possibility... one bit.
Hope you enjoyed the scene, and that it did not give you a big head-ache.


djInTheDark responds:

Actually I enjoyed the scene a lot. I would have never ever ever thought of it that way. Great job. I will definitely be saving that. And it was KINDA minimal and not COMPLETELY minimal because I didn't want it to be one specific genre mostly. And I guess thats how my music in general works doesn't it? It pretty much goes build up>build up>build up>build up!>build up!!> Nothing... Always exciting or never at all. Heh I guess need some balance eh? :P

Thanks again, I love the scene!!! XD

Making parodys is easy, inventing something new and creative, that's something else.

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