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36 Movie Reviews

6 w/ Responses

Another slightly new style for Madness

This animation was great, it had a very cool graphic style, and a lot of humorous moments...
I think the way you animated this was great, it was still quite simple, but very different from the madness style, it felt more worked on, more researched, it actually looked better graphically... What probably made it better was the thick(er) lines you used, and maybe the fact you used more colors as well, it made the scenery more lively. You also had a way of animating where certain fight scenes went by quite fast, like any fast paced action packed animation, but what I think was good with it was that even though it went by fast, you manage to see everything, and that was great, because when you look at certain fast paced animations the biggest problem is that you don't have time to see anything, and here it wasn't the case at all, so good job on that.
Then the animation contained a lot of comical moments, like when Hank and the agent both took the elevator, but did not immediately start fighting, the situation was just ridiculously funny, or when for instance the smiths are waiting behind a locked door, and one is being pushed by the others and shoots by accident, those kind of situations put a lot of humor in the movie. The smiths alone were really funny, I'm not sure what you did to them exactly, probably the way you drew them, to give them a stupid look which made them quite funny.
I did not especially like the soundtrack, but what I think was good, was the way you put 4 songs together, whereas I only had the impression that there were two, so I guess you did a good job on putting them together.
Another element that I think you managed really well were the fist fights. That's something that we don't see often in the Madness series since fire arms are usually dominant. But here not only you used them often, but you made them rather well, you gave them as much action and importance as any other kind of fight, and like I said, they were as good as the other fights, like when Hank fights against the big agent, in the elevator, and before, those were really good.
Great job, no bad points anywhere, really fun to watch, and a cool interesting graphic style compared to the original series. Keep them coming!



Very nice review, all the things you've mentioned I've tried to put in there the Ill tell you a little secret of my own tho, the reason why you can follow the fast passed action in my flash movies is becaus when I've animated to whole fighting then I check for myself ok... let me see if even I can see whats happening, at some parts even I cant see whats happening and at those parts I throw in a slow-motion effect so you can clearly see what happens and those hand to hand combat were hard to make!... love this fucking review, thanks and glad you liked it.

I liked it!

I thought this was really good, in a way it was a very simple and funny way to recreate the madness story line, in other words, a perfect parody!
You managed to animate relatively well, although I'm not too sure about the quality, I did put High, but I dunno, at certain moments it didn't seem too good... About the animating, like I said, you managed to recreate the Madness world very well, although I doubt its very complicated, when you see how simply its drawn...
What I think was really good in this animation, is the way you re-manipulated the original Madness scenario, you did that in a very direct but comedic way that makes this rather a parody. I think you did that in such a good manner it almost seemed real, to go from the beginning to the end in like 2 minutes, is at the same time very exaggerated but actually quite hilarious... Then there were a lot of very funny parts like when the big guy gets pulverized by a canon bolt...etc.
I really liked the way you transformed the Madness scenario, making it all start from a broken heart, and not from... music...? And you managed to put that with the scenario and place of the latest episodes, without any reference to any of the episodes in between, and it seem so clean, it went by so fluidly, that it seemed real.
Like certain people said, this was a good tribute to the madness series, taking the very first episode and remixing it in your own way, but keeping the exact same world and ambiance, it worked out good. I guess making a parody remix of basically the entire series is indeed a good tribute.
I really liked the first song you used, "One is the loneliest number", too bad you didn't use the entire song, it's really good, and would have probably fitted the animation well, but using DJ-Birdy could be considered as paying tribute to Madness, so I guess that's ok.
I think I've covered all points around here, very good animation in general, great story, good music, no bad points, and most of all, a lot of fun for the viewer.


As cool as "Dawn of the Madness"

This was really as good as "Dawn of the Madness", it was well animated suspenseful, and even quite frightening at certain moments...
So yeah, the animating was good, nothing much to add, the characters were fluid, good "camera" movements... yeah nothing much to say...
As far as the story goes, it continued very well, a very zombie-like scenario, and even though I'm not a zombie fan I thought this one was good, having the protagonists get stuck on an island full of zombies was quite scary, I mean I really don't want to be them... Then you made some quite suspenseful scenes when they go into the bunker, with of course no lights, lots of zombies... I could see the little reference to "I am Legend" when the protagonist walks in those dark hallways, with zombies at the dark end...
Other elements which I guess could be part of the story, are the characters, they we're cool, sorta various, going from a cool main guy, a butcher, a goth, and two black stoner gangstas, I especially like those two, they were both cool and funny.
Then, another thing which I really like in this one and "Dawn of the Madness" is the soundtrack, appart certain hard rock action packed songs, most of the songs you used are really good.
In general this animation was really good, no bad points, very entertaining, good animating, good soundtrack... yeah good job, honestly. Now I'll just wait a year for the last installment, see you at "Madness Day '10".


Good animating, but a lot of bad points...

I was half satisfied after seeing this, but I'll explain why and I prefer being very honest rather than saying "great job 10/10":
Let's start off with the animation, I thought the way you animated was very well done, very smooth, very clean, nothing wrong with it, your extremely good at animating. And then, I also thought that the colors used were simple, had a cool 3D effect to them... And you did a good job at animating 3D like characters, like previously done on "Deus Ex Machina". I also thought that if this was a game, it would be very entertaining, and really cool, yeah I would love if this was a game, for sure...
But, I personally thought that there we're a lot of inconveniences;
for inctince, the characters were well made in their 3D like style, but compared to the original madness characters, they looked kinda crude and ugly. I'm not saying that you should keep the original madness characters, you are free to make any modifications on them, I just thought that these ones were ugly...
Then we have little things that aren't too bothersome like the background that looked more like a psychedelic mars rather than Nevada, and the music that stopped after a while, but hell, those aren't too bad, ain't gonna bust your balls about those...
For me, the biggest problem was the fact that the fights did not change one bit, it just kept going and going without any evolution, and after a while you just get very tired of it all. Sure when it started it was fun, you got a 3D Hank beating the cr*p out of dozens of dudes, but after those guys, it just keeps going, and I personally got tired of it very quickly...
OK, I guess I made my point, so in general, the animating was great, but then we got the characters and fights which weren't that good...


The action was almost perfect...

For now, this is one of the best Madness Day animations I saw (mind you, I only saw two: "Madness Desintegration" and "Resurrection of a Clown" but this one is clearly better), and I'll explain why:
Let's start with the action; it was made in a way where you really felt it, I really felt like I was in the animation, in the middle of the action, I guess that could only mean that you did an extremely good job on it. I think this is one of a few animations, out of all the ones I saw, where the action is almost perfect, you we're nearly there...
I think what made the action so real, is the fact that you made the scene move a lot, it gave the impression you we're in it, following every bullet, and being blown away by all the explosions... you did a good job on that, I rarely saw an action scene made in flash that good.
Certain animations we're good, others, not that great...
So, the animation, in general it was not that bad, the background was ok for instince, but then, we got the characters, who, depending on the scene, are either ok, or not very good... I'm sorry I have to say this but I prefer being honest; most of the time, they really were not that great, they're simply, but not very well drawn... But then from time to time we have a few scenes where those characters are very ok. Maybe it's just my personal opinion, you'll surely find some other NewGrounds guy who, he, will like your style.
But then, we have OTHER animated elements, such as explosions, or bullets, and those my friend, were very well animated. The explosions were very good, well animated, drawn ok, and the bullets, were my favorite: the drawings were ok, but the way you animated them, gave 'em a really cool look, like an exaggerated-cool look, see what I mean?
About the music: it was a very good choice, I liked it, it went very well with the animation, it was good for action scenes... and that's about all I can say, but it's no big deal, it was a good choice, and that's all you need to know, it's not like you made it right?
So I think I'm done here, in general, very good animating, appart the characters, drawings were very good, music went great with it, so good job, and keep 'em coming, I hope you read this, and I hope to see you next year.


I do have a question...

was this animation made in Flash? If yes, you sure demonstrated the possibilities of at the same time: quality, mass drawings and probably file weight all of it compacted into one has turned out great, although it did lag maybe three times or so, but still, sure turned out pretty good.
I just looked at this episode now, and I have to tell you, that 3D stylish animation was really cool, I've seen this kind of graphics before, but you sure used that well, sure you can see that the shapes aren't smooth or anything, but still, it did turn out great, even for that bald guy with with automatic machine gun weapon, he was all smooth and all, good job!
About the music... I guess we should definitivly consider it background music, you can barely hear it, it's not that big of a deal, it didn't seem that great to me. Another detail about that, the music in my opinion created an atmosphere where you sort of felt in an anime cartoon, I'm not sure if that was your goal or anything, but that's most certainly what I felt.
For the plot, well, I was dumb enough to not watch the previous episodes before watching this one, so, I sort of had to catch up with the action and create a plot if you know what I mean, but it wasn't that bad, I've got the habit.
Before I sign off, once again man, great job on that animation, you now have my review and my 8/10 5/5.
Keep going, get better, don't stop,


I'm not sure...

Well, I have to say this;
graphics were typical Madness style, and the music was nothing more than Madness like, but in the plot... I have to agree with Carefaces, there's alot going on...
And sure, the come back of Hank, the Clown, and maybe the Sherrif, is the impossible that we would all love, but first off, you got to leave that up to Krinkles, and second of all; that's too much for an animation that doesn't even last what 5 minutes... That's way too much, and you don't have time to breathe.
Of course, fluid animation, and fighting, but it does seem like you we're way too impatient to do an entire scenario that probably didn't take too much time to make up if I'm not wrong, I mean I've probably came up with that scenario tones of times when I was bored in high school's spanish class, so yeah, the plot was something supposed to be enormous, bunched up into a group of scenes messed up into each other and as a result people have probably not even understood much, of course you could tell me that in Madness you don't need to understand squat (by that I mean nothing), but here it's not even about understanding, it's about people being like: "wait, wait, I didn't get it, what... Argh! Can't you pause this thing?" Seriously people we're probably like that, it's not to offend you or anything, it's just that your going way to fast on something that needs time to develop, do you understand what I'm trying to say? I'm just trying to help you out like this your animations are clearer and people will find them more enjoyable, that's it.
Well, I guess I made my point, sorry if your diseappointed, I understand if you totally don't agree, but it's just my personal opinion.


L3pra responds:

you have too much free time

I swear...

Now that was hilarious, nothing else to say, but I'll detail a bit,
seriously, that choice of music, was absolutly per-fect. That sort of Texas Joe music made it quite a funny and comedic touch, really original for the Madness series...
Then the drawing style was... perfect for this sort of animation? Yes, exactly it did give it an extra hilarious touch, mostly when you animated Hank, now that was the best f*cking part of the animation... Hank, animated that way made him look stupid just as much as he made you burst out laughing, and it was the best part of this flash, with no hesitation. He just looked like some super serious heroic guy gone totally nuts, running around crazy, sort of looking like a kid. And the way you drew his glasses... Oh my gosh, I can't even explain it, it just looked so good. The way you made him run, makes you ask yourself;"......wait...is that Hank...?" with a sort of droped mouth facial expression. He just looked like as if he was joking around or something when the Hank we all know is way more serious, you won't find anything more serious than (the real) Hank, that's probably what made it so hilarious.
The first scene was also pretty good, it felt like back in the very first Madness Combat, that guy hiting on the other ones shoulder with that sound effect, and then betting the sh*t out of him, I mean that's the Madness that we all love, the betting up for no reason. And that Jesus you animated didn't look to serious either...
I guess I basicly went around the whole subject, anyway you definitivly made me laugh, good job pal!


Man, that was fun!

It was quite interesting because you really felt in the Madness universe, but at the same time you felt that you we're watching something from the Vad Flaaten brothers, so I really liked that. And also for the fact that you used classic victims, but at the same time created the Tom Fulp and Krinkels version of the Madness characters, which was original, but not as original as the Angry Faic Madness character, and THAT, was totally unexpected, and it was just so cool, I mean come on, an Angry Faic Madness guy.
Whats cool about your films, you always find a certain kind of humor which at certain moments is really hilarious, example: the skater series, the TT series, and in this movie, the alternative ending, which was just fabulous, I especialy liked the elevater scene with the music, and that last scene with "What a wonderful world" track, perfect choice guys. About the elevator scene, I think it's really cool that you used that kind of jazzy song rather than elevator music from NG, I just think it's a great choice. I also just saw that you guys made two tracks especialy for this movie, and thats even cooler, making the music for your own film, even I am not able to do that...
You guys will certainly always a pretty big part of NG laugh for sure.


Making parodys is easy, inventing something new and creative, that's something else.

Age 32, Male


Paris, FR

Joined on 2/5/07

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