Good Work
I think it's cool, I like the fact that theres many scenarios that are in one movie like dat.
I think that it's also well made smooth moving sounds are perfect too.
This is really good (although I prefer "The Madness 2")
Good Job!
Good Work
I think it's cool, I like the fact that theres many scenarios that are in one movie like dat.
I think that it's also well made smooth moving sounds are perfect too.
This is really good (although I prefer "The Madness 2")
Good Job!
Geez i didn't understand anything AT ALL i mean:
1) Is that guy supposed to be the main char of the madness series or what?
2)Who's that stupid guy who keeps dancing like a dork?
3)What's da story??? (If only there is one)
4)Whats da main supposed to do?
5)and last but not least, is he from the future?
Basicly you really gotta improve your storys and explanation, or at least before the movie explain whats gonna happen or something like dat.
Gotta be better (I gave you a generous 3)
I liked it!
Good first animation, lol this guys starts killing all the after hour librarians just to get "that" book.
Lol it was funny, nice job.
All Right!!!
All right! That ROCKED MAN!!!
Great animation the sticks they move perfectly (I mostly liked the scenes with soldiers)
music is great, fight scenes are super, just make more man, that was great!! Great Job!!
I'll keep track of your animations!
Very nice animation, it's perfect and everything, Krinkels was right: it is good.
Make a sequel or something cuz it's perfect, keep going man!
Could of been better.
Not that great, the sound was really not good, you almost cannot hear what they said and it's really a pain when that stupid squirrel starts coughing cuz like it takes long, it's always the same thing, and his head motion doesn't go good with the sound.
Appart from that the animation is good, you just gotta improve the sound quality and it's fine.
P.S.: That squirrel is sooo stupid.
Making parodys is easy, inventing something new and creative, that's something else.
Age 32, Male
Paris, FR
Joined on 2/5/07