One of the most interesting
This is not particularly one of my favorites from you, but on the other hand, it's one of the most interesting songs you've made to date.
The fact is, you rarely use this kind of organ (?), and I've never heard a song from you that has as much intensity and "epicness" as this one. In my opinion, this song is a perfect trailer song, because it has so much power and darkness in it, you can easily imagine scenes with it, but I'll get to that later... We can really feel here that you tried something quite different from your original kind of work, which is great, it always is when we try something new :D
For most of the instruments, like I said they're unusual for your taste, and I personally like all of them, I also really like the drums who seemed to be recorded underwater. As for the strings, I wouldn't consider them as original, but as epic and powerful, they also have a real filmesque side to them.
"you can easily imagine scenes with it" here's what I imagine:
A man walks through an alley in "Hell's Kitchen", holding a bottle of beer in his hand. He's an irish, and a criminal. His life is full of dirty crimes and bloody murders, robberies and blood money...
We can't say things are always in order when your a criminal or when you control an underground mafia, but things usually go ok, most of the time... But sometimes, before you know it, things just go out of control...
And that's what's happening for him...
A week back, his boss, a powerful irish mobster, refused a deal with the mob from little Italy. It doesn't seem like much, but when your a mobster, that's just the kind of thing you don't do. Two days later, the irish crime boss got ambushed by two black sedans on his way to work. From then on things just went crazy... Because when an irish mob full of alcoholics just got it's boss whacked, you can bet your ass there's gonna be some action on the street.
And guess what. That's exactly what happened. A pizzeria with some mafioso's inside blew up, a deadly car chase took place on west 47th street, a gun fight in a local pub, as well as a couple mafioso's getting their throats cut. Constant funerals. Constant kills. A war between the enraged irish, alcoholic dogs, and the fedora wearing, natural born killer italians. There is no good guys, nor bad guys. Just criminals. In a war like this, people die everyday, and it does not end until one mafia is exterminated...
Hope you liked this scene! Credit to the film "State of Grace" with Sean Penn.