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89 Audio Reviews

51 w/ Responses

A tad too short, a not that great

OK, let's get this review done:
The melody was ok, but no more really... It gets better at 0:25 where it gets a little more active. What's funny is that, the instruments sound very basic, like default loops, stuff like that, BUT somehow the entier melody and song manage to make it sound, not so bad. So, the melody is ok, but just ok, instruments are kinda flat, and the song is a tad too short, and, there's no real beat, but it's not that bad. I'm not saying "Your song sucks", no, it doesn't, it's not bad. But I'll throw you a bit of advice:
Give your song a good flowing beat, it's too flat.
Make better loops maybe.
That's kinda it... But you got potential, so you've got to be able to make better songs, I believe in you man!
So I'll just get to the scene:
New York, 1971
This is the story of Joe. Joe the bum. Joe is your average day bum, sitting there around the block, handing out his plastic cup for pennies and dimes.
But one day, Joe wakes up, to a supposedly average day, only to see in front of him a folder with "FBI" and "TOP SECRET" written on it. He doesn't jump on it, or grab it furiously, he just takes it, and goes through it quickly, interested.
He then finds a page with today's date, and an adress. He walks there, curious to see what he'll find. At that place, he doesn't find anything, so he waits... an hour. After an hour of just watching the world go by, he goes torwards a mail box and opens it. Ah HA! An enveloppe. He takes it, taking his time, and opens it, another adress. So he takes the enveloppe with him and starts walking. Behind him, a black sedan pulls over, and two men in suits and sun glasses go torwards the mailbox, surprised to not find anything...
So Joe, walks to the other adress, same routine, he waits an hour or two thinking "I'm a secret agent", no more enthousiastic then that... He then walks around and finds another enveloppe, takes it, finds another adress, walks away... Behind him, two sedans pull up, men in suits come out of them and shoot at the each other.
He arrives at a warehouse, goes in, and sees a whole bunch of men in suits with guns in their hands. Joe takes his plastic cup and says; "Could you guvs spare some change?"


SirKoto51 responds:

Thanx Man, honestly, looking back at that song now, I think it's not that good either XD i do have another i made that has a tiny bit more action and instruments to it, I am kinda new at making MIDI's, They are fun to make whenever I have some free time on my hands. So thanks for the review, and good scene/MIDI agreement.

Amazing + cool '80s feeling

First of all, this song is amazing. It's great, it has a cool melody, and has a cool late '80s, early '90s feeling to it, probably because of the guitar, which is very cool. And, last but not least, the coolest thing about this song, is that the guitar gives it the cinematographic feeling of films like "Black Rain" with Michael Douglas or "Year of the Dragon" with Mickey Rourke (both from the '80s), with a touch of modernity to it.
So, about the melody and instruments; melody was really cool, like most of your songs. The instruments; this was interesting, most of the instruments you used, well acctually all of them, are instruments you often use in your songs, and they all gave a good kick-ass feeling to this song, like that epic trailer sounding part at 4:49. Except that the guitar you used felt kinda old, not saying it was bad, like I said before, it's really cool, but what was funny is having this very modern, trailer like sound being invaded by a guitar that seems like it's strait from the '80s. Very funny, and very cool.
I really don't have much more to say, except that you better make some more stuff that sounds like the '80s heheh. :P
And, I've decided to make a scene for this song:
Chinatown, Manhattan, 1987
These were the days where the brick walls in chinatown were still all red, where a bunch of cars from the '70s were still around, and when a lot of crimes were still commited...
(0:17) Its night, the street neons are all lit up, there's a slight, cold rain, the kind that's a real pain. 22:09 P.M. the police finally arrive on a fresh crime scene, located in a dark alley behind a big parking building, a young chinese man with a slit throat. 22:32 P.M. a dirty, red 1974 trans am arrives. It stops next to the alley. The driver comes out, his name's inspector Frank Cortigan (Nicholas Lea). 37 year old Frank has been inspector for a couple of years now, and everyone knows that when Frank shows up, that's means Frank's in charge, no questions asked. He slowly walks through the alley, he sees the body, stops to look at it, he then lits a smoke.
(0:34) The investigation's on, Frank rides around chinatown, looking for the right people to talk to, and it doesn't take much time, since he knows this neighborhood very well. (1:25) After talking to a few people, he then finds a guy who's clearly hiding something, he takes him out onto an alley behind a restaurant, and beats him good. He tells him the triad/chinese mob is responsible for the death of the young man. The situation is getting serious... But Frank's ready, even if he's got to face the triads.
(2:33) The '74 trans am suddely flies through the streets, followed by a group of slick black sedans. The Triads. Aerial view of the chase, the chinese mob attempts to fire at the red vehicle, in vain. The shots echo throughout the entire neighborhood. Other scenes show up at the same time as the chase, Frank interrogating a mobster, and getting mad, or running on building tops followed by a bunch of chinese men in suits. (3:33) One of the black sedans closest to the trans am gets a flat tire, swirves against a concrete wall which sends it flying against the others. A crash can be heard, pieces of glass and metal fly through the red alley, and it all ends with an explosion. (3:41) More interrogating, more blood...
(4:15) Frank drives his car throughout some streets, takes a smoke, his zippo lighter, lits it up. Another scene where he fights off a lone triad member, hoping to get some information...
(4:49) Now this is the kick-ass trailer part, more sedans chasing the trans am, Frank running in the street holding his pistol, another chase... (4:58) Frank fighting off a mobster in some crappy hotel room, one of the black, slick sedans doing a barrel roll in the air, and Frank going through a window. (5:08) Frank's silhouette, smoking.
Hope you enjoyed this super long scene man,


DavidOrr responds:

Wow, what a great scene you've created! I loved reading through it while listening to the music. You should become a writer :)

Thanks for the great review!

Fantastic guitars

Well this song had some big ups and downs, like in my opinion, that little instrument we hear at the very beginning, was a big down in my opinion, it did not go at all with the jazzy, funky, rock feeling of the song. But on the contrairy, the guitar we hear at 0:52, was... oh my god... pure awesomeness... it was SO good, but what was too bad about it was the fact that you only put it twice into this song. If you would have made a song with that guitar as the main melody during the entier song, that would be such a great song... A godly song... You must do that. But about that guitar, what was really too bad was that torwards 2:00, the guitar really sucked compared to the part at 0:52.
What I would do, would be to get rid of the funk parts and fill them with guitars, unless you make the funk parts better, maybe a little catchy, something like that... Anyways keep making those guitars that good, because they're kick-ass.
New York, 1976
Two friends are fond of drinking, smoking, girls, and cars... Especially fast cars, and their habbit is to drive really fast and attract attention, even if it's police attention. They take out their old, green, beat up 1970 pontiac GTO, and take it down to the streets, driving it really fast, and getting attention everywhere. One late afternoon, they get drunk and drive it fast, again. (0:52) Except this time, a cop caught sight of them, and engaged a high speed pursuit, which ended in the pontiac hitting a parked car, and flipping over. The two buddies leave the car unharmed, they look at each other in a stupid look. They are sentenced to prison 10 years for dangerous driving.
(3:07) 1986,
They finally come out of jail, with long hair and big beards. They seem to take life slowly again, but fast enough, it all starts over again, the drinking, the girls, and the driving... it all ends up by coming back.
Hope you enjoyed it my friend,


palee81 responds:

hi, thanks for the kind review. I think you didnt like the middle guitar part because it was mainly improvisation, i gotta train that a little to make it well :) I see your point about the beginning, it's not groovy enough to really call it funk...actually I wanted it to make a counterpoint for the second part of the song, but yeah it could be improved.
The scene was really sad, i mean when the GTO was destroyed, i had some tears rolling down (love those beasts lol). But seriously, the scene was fitting well to the music imo (i had something similar in my mind about that one). I have gone through all the scenes you wrote for people and I have to say you find the right spot most of the time, and put in the details that make it live. And thanks for crediting in 'The music', it was nice to see the story ugraded:)
Keep making the scenes, you're doin right,

Awesome song

Well, first off, I must say that I do not agree at all with michellpougnou, this song is superb and not that repetitive, I love it.
Sure there's no real christmas spirit in it, but who gives a fuck, it's a great song my friend, and you should keep it that way! The guitar is great, even though a little repetitive, but that's no big problem, because many other elements give some variation to the song itself. The fact using two different guitars was a nice touch in my opinion.
I like this kind of music; calm, with an acoustic guitar, doing a young, cool, teenage feeling to it, I really enjoy that, and I wanna hear more like this. There ain't enough of this sorta music on this site. Overall, awesome song.
16:31 P.M. Christmas eve,
A young guy wakes up to christmas eve. He takes some big red clothes to dress as Santa Claus and give gifts to the neighborhood kids. He takes them and throws them into a big bag, and leaves his house. He walks down the sunny street as all the kids run torwards him, asking for a little something. He gives out gifts for a while, when a motorbike shows up. A big black, shiny harley davidson. It's his best friend who dropped by to say hi. With his biker friend's help, they finish giving away the gifts quickly, and then go for a ride through the orange sunset.
So there they are, a biker and a guy dressed as santa claus on a harley davidson, driving on the road. They end up spending the rest of the afternoon together, driving around, stopping to get some coke and beer, drinking up, driving a bit more, they take turns driving. Then they stop again, walk around, drive some more, then stop and look at the orange sky, laying on car hoods while the biker smokes, and they just talk...
Have you ever liked a friend as much as a brother? These guys do...


KieranNG responds:

Thanks heaps man, I'm really glad you liked it!

Great accordion

This song's pretty sweet, flows real nice, and sounds good.
I don't have much to say about it. The instruments were used well, and follow each other nicely. The melody was ok, even though I did not love it. And the organ was well played I guess. The accordion was really good too. I liked it when it would go crazy, sounded good. And I found it better when the accordion went and played a little freely rather than playing the main melody. That's personally what I think...
So let's skip to this scene:
The dark red curtains move and open, revealing a big open stage.
The gigantic croud cheers. Tonight is a big night. A man arrives on the stage from one side. He is quite old, has a big white beard and mustache (and has the looks of Michael Caine). He makes his entrance by simply walking torwards the middle of stage, while another man appears behind a sudden "puf" of smoke. This man is thin, young, clean shaven with a slick, short haircut (and looks like Jude Law).
The croud cheers. Tonight is THE big night, tonight is the showdown between these two magicians. The first one is an old magician full of tricks and knowledge, while the other is young with a lot of talent, and the duel started when the young started saying that he was better than the old man. The competitions started, and tonight, they will both show off their skills in this one final competition that will either make one's career more impressive, or bring the other one torwards success... Either way, one of them will fall...
Hope you enjoyed the scene,


Sorta minimal...

As the title says, it does kinda feel minimal indeed, which was kinda too bad.
The first part of the song, meaning until 1:20, the whole thing was ok, but it does sound like you could have added a little more, something extra. Something to make the beat more powerful. Then, for the part that started at 1:21, the synths started really well, but never came to an explosive beat, know what I mean?
But what did sound good was the compilation of the synths and the beat at 3:05, that worked quite well. So I would suggest going torwards that direction, and making your beats get to an explosive song, because that part at 3:05 clearly shows that your synths need a powerful beat, and your beats need a background synth.
01:03 A.M.
A police inspector comes back to his crappy hotel room after having a dozen drinks at a nearby bar, he's totally drunk. Be he couldn't resist going to that bar, after working more than 48 hours non-stop on this complex and incomprehensible case. He attempts to walk torwards his bed, and falls upon all the evidence from the case: pictures, classified documents, paperwork...
He takes some pictures and papers in his trembling hands, pins them on the wall, hoping they will connect with each other or to some other evidence on the wall... nothing... He's so drunk he can't even concentrate on walking correctly, so how in the world does he expect solving the case like this? It's like solving the zodiac case at 3 in the morning after having an entier 6 pack...
He takes some pictures and papers and pins them onto the wall... wait... didn't he just do that? He looks at the fully pinned wall. It hasn't changed, or... wait, that document wasn't there before, no it was... was it? Did it change? Did he even put anything up on that wall? He takes some papers and documents, some pins and puts them up on the wall... no he didn't... But he just did... Did he put these on the wall? He looks around the room which seems to be turning in the opposite direction, like an infernal carousel. Black. He opens his eyes, looks around the room, it doesn't twirl around... But the bed is on the other side of the room, half of the pinned documents are gone, or on the floor... He looks at the time; 3:42 A.M.
What the fuck just happened? Did he fall asleep for more than 2 hours, or did he make a total mess everywhere and fall to the ground? He slowly walks torwards the other room, hoping to find a beer... or something alike. Then this awfull, cold and heavy head-ache shows up, he firmly closes his eyes to try and get rid of it... but it doesn't go away. He opens them again, and realises the door is wide open... Did he leave it open when he came back... If not, that means that there's another possibility to why the room is a mess... Someone could have came in if he was out cold, someone could have came in.
He doesn't like that possibility... one bit.
Hope you enjoyed the scene, and that it did not give you a big head-ache.


djInTheDark responds:

Actually I enjoyed the scene a lot. I would have never ever ever thought of it that way. Great job. I will definitely be saving that. And it was KINDA minimal and not COMPLETELY minimal because I didn't want it to be one specific genre mostly. And I guess thats how my music in general works doesn't it? It pretty much goes build up>build up>build up>build up!>build up!!> Nothing... Always exciting or never at all. Heh I guess need some balance eh? :P

Thanks again, I love the scene!!! XD

Too unorganized

It's probably time someone made a review:
Well, my general opinion on the song, is the fact that it sounds slightly fucked up. The instruments are sorta strange, well not really, but they all sound wierd. They all have a sort of unrealistic/dreamy feeling to them. The composition of the song is also kinda wierd because you got a certain kind of synth at the beginning, and you never hear it again because some other synth took over the melody. Then we got other strange noices here and there... The whole gave a dreamy feeling.
To improve I would suggest keeping one synth for the main melody, not putting too many secondary synths everywhere, a few, but not too many. As for the beat, I don't suggest using a rock/jazz drum kit, a good techno beat should be good enough. The dreamy feeling was ok, but I would suggest trying to make your instruments sound more professional, I dunno how, I ain't a musician, but get some tips here and there to make them sound better.
It was tough getting a scene for this one, but thanks to palee81, who I can credit as co-scenarist, gave me a few ideas:
A spaceship flies through space torwards the nearest space station.
Suddenly, after at least 2 years with an empty radar, something shows up. A planet the pilot's never seen before.
Is he off course? He makes sures he is on the right direction. Affirmative. Then how come he has never seen this planet before? His ship's computer analyses it. The information comes out:
"17% Rock 1% Steel 82% Ice, 4,2 months old"
It's an ice planet, the result of a newborn planet that immediatly freezes, which is the reason why it's not a big ball of lava.
The pilot lands the spaceship, after entering the ozone, big clouds of cold air cover up the ship. He lands. He takes some materials; lamp, tazer type gun. He leaves his ship and finds himself in front of an enormous cave entrance. He walks in it, lighting up his lamp. As soon as he walks inside, all he sees is ice, only ice, he keeps walking inside, lighting the place up with his lamp. Further down, he starts seeing colours in the ice. He approaches one of the thick ice walls, and realises that the ice carries various sorts of unknown crystals. He continues to walk further into the dark cave, and falls upon what looks like a huge room, with walls, covered by crystals, creating magnificant colors everywhere.
Hope you enjoyed the scene.


Awesome song!

The first thing I think of saying in this review, is the fact that I fucking love this song. I personally find it absolutly awesome. But then I'm not really sure why, probably the fact that you played your guitar very well, and in a cool manner maybe? Probably also because of the melody, but then maybe you're not its composer, I dunno are you?... Who cares, you played it very well, and that's what matters.
Then there are certain parts of the song that I really loved, like the main melody at 0:17, those cool little notes at 4:55, or that really cool guitar riff at 4:07. But the part of the things song that impressed me the most, that blew me away, was the part at 3:05, that high-speed, violent part of the song. It's funny because the part at 2:41 sounds like those really fast hard rock from the '80s, that kind of songs you could find in Guitar Hero today, and it was kind of singular to hear that sort of sound in this song.
What was at the same time wierd and cool with this song is the fact that we aren't face to one main melody, but many different sounding ones, even though there is a main one.
Overall the song is kick-ass, the guitar is awesome, and I don't know what I would suggest... Probably nothing, the song is good enough.
The scene:
It's a rainy night on a highway. The rain pours real hard, the concrete is covered by rain, all the cars are driving slowly. The sky is pitch black, the rain lits up the highway with car lights.
But somewhere on this highway, is a black sedan, litterally racing on the wet concrete. He is going so fast, that the water from the tires create an entire wave following him. He is approaching the other vehicles, this is where the action begins:
He drives by a few cars, passes a large truck, but up ahead is a row of three cars preventing him from driving by. He then drives his sedan on the other side of the highway, the side where all the cars are going the other way. This time the danger is even bigger, the cars are going faster, and he can't miss his shot, otherwise his black vehicle will get pulverized into a thousand burning pieces...
His heartbeat is going as fast as the cars speed, he's going so fast he practically doesn't need his windshield whippers to get rid of the rain. He takes a look at the other side of the road to see if he can go back... Half a second later a van practically hits him. "Stay focused damn it, he thinks, keep holding onto the wheel, now is not the moment to lose control..."
Why is he doing this? Driving a fast car on a rainy highway at night, why? Why doesn't matter in this kind of situation...
It sees that the road is clear on the other side, he starts going torwards it, but at that instant, a light and a scream passes by. He looks at his mirror, and sees a car with a red light and then realizes he heard a siren, the cops are after him now... He goes back on to the correct side of the highway only to see that a group of police cars are waiting for him up front.
(3:05) He manages to avoid them by driving onto the side of the road. He continues to drive as fast as possible, many red and blue lights can be seen behind him. But soon enough the lights start getting smaller and end up disappearing... He looks at his mirror again, nothing behind him anymore. He looks back in front of him, there's a stopped car. He turns the car away, ends up on the wrong way, another car in front of him. They collide. The black sedan flies in the rainy sky with shards of glass from the head lights and small pieces of black metal flying around. It hits the concrete upside down, landing in front of another car, who immediatly hits the side of the sedan, making it twirl in the air. From then, the sky is full of rain, pieces of metal and glass, while the slick black car gets mashed up from all sides. The drivers head violently hits the window to his left. It cracks. Blood splashes on it. The accident finally comes to a halt. The vehicle is in at least three different pieces now, there is nothing left from it...


Metaljonus responds:

Woah, this was a long read lol and a pretty cool scene I must say. Its like your saying the song is some what of an exploding car crash LOL which is fine with me lol a very cool scene dude thanks for the awesome read.

A good song, but just not one of my favorites

Well, this clearly isn't one of my favorite songs...
The thing is, I really can't say this song is bad, it's not bad at all. The song is well structured, even if certain echos were kinda wierd... The instruments are all well played. But I personally did not like the melody and most of all the feeling it expressed... I really didn't like that feeling, no offense, but I guess that's just my taste, I guess I never liked those kind of emotinal piano solos...
So I'll just skip right onto the scene:
It's more like a bunch of archive films taking place in the 19th century, put together, of hundreds of people, who decided that they would construct brand new buildings and infra-structures. The old film follows people climbing the buildings interior structure, taking materials up in the air, putting them together. More and more, buildings are being built, modern buildings, the city is changing...
The citizens of that city unit in order to create what they call will be "the greatest city ever built".
Hope that suits you,


Making parodys is easy, inventing something new and creative, that's something else.

Age 32, Male


Paris, FR

Joined on 2/5/07

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