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89 Audio Reviews

51 w/ Responses

This, is the definition of relaxed

This song really rocks, it's well played, it's so cool, and SO calm, I mean you listen to this song and you have the definition of "relaxed" in your ears dude. Honestly.
I really don't have much to say for the review, the melody is great, and acctually makes me think of the band "Spain", really does. Great band, you shall go and check 'em out my friend. I also liked the fact that the recording quality is really not that great, and it makes me feel that I'm in the room where you played this, while you're playing it, pretty cool!
This is probably a cool song to get stoned too, heheh.
I'm not a blues specialist, so I don't really have much more to say, I don't know what could improve it, nothing probably, I dunno... I think I'll just skip to the long awaited scene:
Hawaii, 21:40 P.M.
The sun is still out, giving the sky a warm orange feeling to it. Out on the beach is a open bar, giving a view on the entier beach. And in that bar is and man in his late 40s (Jeff Bridges) calmly drinking a glass of martini, and enjoying the view on the sea.
Even though you could think this man is an ordinary tourist, he is nothing alike. A few days ago, this man was still living a stressful life out in Los Angeles, working at an ordinary office. Then came a day where he organized a important bank heist with a couple of friends and a couple of thieves. The bank heist went as according to plan, he got his share, and did what he's always dreamed of doing, finding peace and calm in hawaii. And from then on, it's just the beach, sunsets, and a glass of martini every evening. No paperwork, no neon lights that don't work, no cars honking... No nothing...
Just peace, and calm... and a martini on the beach.
Cheers man, hope you enjoyed this little scene,


thecoreman responds:

Thanks a million, mate! The scene was totally different then what I had in mind, but it's better then mine, actually... :P

Thanks a lot!

Sounds like God Speed You! Black Emperor

Great song, I really find it great! First of all because it's a cool, original rock song, and second of all because it sounds like some of those wierd rock bands from the '90s, especially "God Speed You! Black Emperor", with it's kind of dark, distorted guitars. So yeah, sounding like God Speed You was very unexpected, and a real thumbs up.
I personally prefer "The Down Pore" rather than "The Flood". Part 8 was too dull, nothing was going on really... And that made it quite uninteresting... It acctually sounds like a broken arcade heh...
But "The Down Pore" on the other hand was really good. I liked the fact that the guitars had a good suspense feeling to them from 0:53 to 1:14. But then I wasn't too fond of the part that started at 2:35. It was a little too wierd, and the distorted guitar sounds that started at 2:55 weren't that great... It seems like they didn't go well with the rest of the song. But overall "The Down Pore" was really good, with a nice, dark feeling to it, and it was a good song to create a scene with.
Before I start with the scene, I'de like to give a few suggestions:
Keep that dark, dirty, distorted sound your guitar has, it's very unusual and very cool.
It's a good thing to try and mix different sounds together, but be careful to not mix sounds that are too different and end up not going well together like the high pitched guitar riffs at 2:55, I'de get rid of those and maybe find darker ones.
As for the tempo, either keep it nice and slow, OR, you could try speeding it up and making it a little more violent, that could work.
Detroit, 15:44 P.M.
It's a slightly rainy afternoon in Detroit. The sky is grey, the rain darkens the asphalt street, making it black and shiny. The only colors around are either grey or dark, no bright color whats so ever...
Two police inspectors are waiting for a prime suspect in their car, waiting for him to show up. While they wait, they practically don't speak to each other. They just lay there, looking through the wet wind shield, drinking coffee. The hours pass by while they're waiting, and then all of a sudden they see him coming, walking up the street torwards them. He then steps through two big metal doors. The inspectors get out of their car and make their move, and they start to follow him. They walk by the metal doors that lead to an open area, surrounded with small concrete buildings. But it's not as if you had a full view on everything; more small buildings were placed a bit everywhere giving anyone the opportunity to hide.
The inspectors start walking around silently, pistols in their hands, receiving cold thin rain drops on their faces, looking for this suspect. they keep walking, until the inspector placed behind is shot from an unknown position. He falls on the ground, his partner starts running, and hides behing a wet concrete wall.
He lifts his pistol near him, ready to shoot at anything that moves. He tries to hear the suspect, but doesn't hear anything. Then a bullet hits on the wall right behind him, practically touching and wounding him. He turns around, shoots a couple times, but no ones behind. He then runs torwards another group of empty grey/white concrete buildings. As he approaches a dark alley, he appears a shadow moving away in front of him. "How could that be? Is there several of them?" He slowly walks torwards the shadow but it disapears. At that moment footsteps can be heard behind him. A dark silhouette comes, holding a pistol. The inspector slowly lifts his weapon torwards the man, so does he.
Outside the area, out on the street, two gun shots can be heard.

This review is WAY too long, but maybe you enjoyed it anyway.


Kirbyfemur responds:

Hey thanks for the review. The second part was more of the experimental side of the song, and it was a build up after the song before it.

The weirdness comes with the fact that i took guitar riffs from the other parts of this series of songs. So i knew it sounded a bit odd, but yeah it's just me being odd with how i'll put music together. lol

Thanks for the review dude! =3

No big objections

I ain't a big D'n'B fan, although I do prefer it to techno or trance.
The track seemed kinda loose, a little fucked up during the 30 first seconds, with the drums going crazy and all, but the song is constructed in a way which doesn't make it feel fucked up after all... So I guess that's a real positive point, preventing the listener to commit suicide :P. But of course it's glitch music, so it's gotta be a little fucked up.
About the instruments, hmm well I don't have any particular objection to any of them. The very fast synth at 1:02 in my opinion was really cool, had a sort of racing feeling to it, I liked that. Most of them weren't too new or interesting since they're the instruments people usually use on D'n'B. But what I enjoyed were the little brief synths here and there...like the one at 1:02. I wasn't too fond of the synths that came in at 1:14, seemed kinda high pitched compared to the rest of the song, but it didn't feel like it didn't belong here either.
In my opinion this song would go perfectly with a game like "Archer McClean's Mercury", just a simple remark.
Scene: it was real tricky to find one, I'de always end up imagining wierd games and all, but I found something good;
Miami, 10:29 P.M.
Shortly after a plane arrives not too far from the city, a man shows up with his girl and a few friends.
The story behind this man, is a story about his passion for cars, and his illegal street races. For a couple of years now, he has been doing these races, but a dangerous accident that almost cost his life made him stop. That was 2 years ago. Since then he lived a calm life with the help of all the money he had earned. That was until an old friend of his told him that there was gonna be a race in Miami. It was stronger than him, he had to do it. So he took a plane there with his girl and some buddies.
The race is in a week, and in his opinion, he might only have that amount of time to live. So he came a week early, in order to have time to analyse the track, and enjoy the night life with his friends. All the drinks he can take at night makes his head burn and brain blow. The fast, silent rides he takes with his car on the soon-to-be track, makes his racing soul revive once more. He opens the window next to him while he drives, the fresh night air flowing through his badly shaven face, making the alcohol effects go away... His mind gets clear again...
Sorta ran out of ideas afterwards... Tell me what you think man.


SessileNomad responds:

lol great scene man, i totally was thinking different things when i made this, but to each his own i suppose

about the track, looking back, there are a couple of things i would change, so i can understand some of you remarks towards it

thanks for the scene man, you're doin a great job with everyone

Goin' gangsta

Definetively an awesome song, with a typical gangsta' feeling to it, very cool, and very enjoyable.
As far as the instruments go, I guess I can say they're very well chosen to make good gangsta' music, which is what you do. The synths and beat were great, the trumpet was really cool, and the strings were absolute beast. The voices were a really good touch aswell. The melody? Very gangsta like, and very cool, well mastered and well performed. I really have no complaints whats so ever about this song.
For some reason, something kinda gives a hot summer to the song, maybe the fact that the beat is HOT. Heheh, who knows... It could also be the plane at the very beginning of the song, that gives the feeling you are leaving on vacation.
But what I mostly picture at the beginning of the song, where the plane shows up:
I'm at an airport, standing in the middle of the plane track. It's not here yet, but he won't last too long now. The heat makes the track dry and crack, the sun hanging on top of me. Then I can hear those big engines coming near me, and I see the plane, slowly driving torwards me. It's still a couple hundred yards away, but it's speeding up... It doesn't take too long for it too catch up to me. Luckly enough, it started taking off before it's big wheels would have hit and blown my head away. I follow the plane with my eyes, and I end up face to face with the sun behind the enormous engine on top of me, the boiling sun...


Great song with a moby feeling to it!

Very cool and interesting song. Interesting because even though it's a trance song, it's not as aggressive as most of them usually are, and I like the fact that you softened this song by adding a piano, which sounds alot like moby by the way, and I gotta say that is far out! Yeah the piano is amazing, I love it! Too bad it didn't continue till the end.
Most of the instruments are really cool, and really well mastered, and the voices were a nice touch, the first distorted voice felt like superfunk to me, the babe gave a hot R'n'B feeling, and the black (?) guy sounded really good. So you made great use of them. But the little "pop" noise kinda got on my nervs after a while, I would suggest getting rid of it, and making the piano and the black dudes voice play till the end of the track... but that's just me.
Ready for the scene? So am I:
It's late at night down here in the city, but there's alot of action going on in this night life. This is the kind of place and situation where people look for something, in fact, everybody's lookin' for something at this time of night.
We see a man in his '30s walking through a night club, but he's not looking for a drink, he's not looking for fun either... He's looking for his girlfriend that left him the day before. He couldn't stand her doing that to him, he has got to see her, to talk to her, but how can he appart being face to face with her, since she doesn't answer his phone calls?
Another guy, a biker to be precise, was looking to park his harley davidson in front of another club, but the four big tough black bouncers didn't agree. So what did this guy do? He left his motorbike and got in a fight with the bouncers, sure he beat the living shit out of one of them, but the three others got him bad. They then threw him onto the other street, his bike with him. "Fuck them" says the biker to himself, "I'll find some other fucking place...".
On that same street we see some guy walking by. He's wearing a long dark blue trench coat with a fedora of the same color. He slowly walks through the dark streets, takes out a smoke, lits it with his zippo lighter. This guy is just wondering
what will happen next in his life.
He continues walking down the same street, and walks by a club with trance music roaring out of it. Inside it is a girl, serving at a bar. And this girl is wondering why she is still here when she had sworn she would quit and find a better life then this one...
A city at night is full of people, all different, each looking for something even more different than the last...


Aydin-Jewelz123 responds:

You sir, are amazing! :D

A simple and cheesy, but that's ok...

This really feels like a film or a TV serie's soundtrack, I guess that's a good thing.
There's not much to say for the review:
The piano is well played, and the melodies are good, even if most of the time they really sounded like those kind of piano solos you find in crappy TV series and sounded way beyond cheesy... But it could have been worst so it's not that bad...
The orchestra sounds you added in the back near the end of the song was nice, I enjoyed that.
I'm not sure what I would add to improve the song... So I'll just skip to the scene:
A young man drives back to his home, after spending days and days looking for the girl he loves. She left after a misunderstanding between the both of them, the kind that goes wrong before you even know it... He took a train to nearby states, looking for her... When he encounters a women who tells him in which states his girl's in, he goes there, but feels uncomfortable with this whole situation. So he finally decides to go back to his home, alone. Not because he couldn't find her, but because he thought that maybe in reality he did not WANT to find her. So he takes the first train back to his home...
But upon arriving at his home, everything just felt... empty. It was happening again, all this loneliness, the despair, the sadness... (2:51) No.
No this was not gonna happen, not again, not today... He grabs his keys, runs out of his house, quickly locks it. He runs to his car, starts the engine, and roars out of his neighbourhood and torwards her...
Enjoy, and tell me what you think!


Zero123Music responds:

Well, thanks for the review - and to be honest I agree mostly. I didn't think it was that cheesy, but of course I'm probably just saying that to defend my song^^

I enjoyed the story greatly :) so thankyou very much for taking the time to listen.

I like your cheezy songs!

That's a catchy song you got there. Man it's good too hear more new tracks from you. It's funny because this song has more of the cheezy feeling your songs from this summer had, rather than the usual dark/epicness. Yeah that's funny, it has the EXACT feeling the songs you and Zajed made last summer. What happened? We're you guys in some kind of "in search for love" period? Maybe torwards one another? Holy sh*t...
For the instruments, the piano is wild, the beat is a beast, and the entire thing is really cool. May I ask which anime this is from? The violins personally made me think of Gundam Wing, but Gundam is usualy very far from cheezy, so it must be something else... Anyways, for me, when K-Dm and Zajed make cheezy songs, I must admit that they are always VERY catchy, and very fun to listen. You probably make the site's cheeziest songs lol...
So I see you have a lot of free time, since you managed to release 3 songs these last few days, so keep it up, it's always a pleasure to listen to your cheezy creations!


K-Dm responds:

haha this is actually my original composition so you wont hear it in any existing animes... but the style was inspired by songs from various anime. id say the clannad soundtrack probably had the most influence on this one.

as for the sudden releases, im just trying to release alot now while i have time to make up for the 6 months i didnt do anything haha.

neways, glad u like my cheesy songs. i enjoy making them. thx for the review.


Fantastic and chaotic

This song is fantastic! Extremely powerful, some emotions here and there, and those horns or what ever they are kick-ass!
With all the emotions this song has, you have a real tense feeling involving greatness and combat, or something alike, epicness for sure! At the same time, this song being made for the Audio Portal Deathmatch, it's a good thing that it has this feeling of combat, good job on that! And the instruments in this song, aren't exactly extraordinairy, but give a real epic side to this song, and as for the horns; they are kick-ass. They bring epicness to this piece alone! The power of this song is so strong it seizes you entirely!
So this song is at the same time fantastic, being practicaly flawless, but it's also quite chaotic, I feel a sense of destruction while hearing those great big horns, and that's pretty cool!
For the scene, well it was real hard to get a precise one that goes with it. Before I would only see brief scenes of explosions and detonations... Total chaos... But I finally found something good:
Vietnam, 1963 5:31 P.M.
The battle has barely begun, and chaos is already unleashed. The brave and patriotic soldiers run out to the battlefield, grabbing onto their machine guns, ready to fight. The UH-1 "Huey" helicopters fill the cloudy sky. Chaos sets in when the first mines and bombs start blowing off. Many soldiers lose their lives in those first deadly instants... A helicopter gets hit by a bomb, it's tail is wrecked, the vehicle's doomed. It starts twirling in the sky, falling torwards the ground. A wave of dust covers the soldiers when the UH-1 crashes. Gunshots are heard here and there, back and forth... A soldier is hit, another falls... A wounded soldier falls in a muddy hole, but another comes to rescue him. "Are you okay?" he asks, but when he sees that the bullet has hit near the poor man's heart, he knows the answer... The wounded man takes the soldier's hand and says "Tell my wife, I..." without having time to finish his phrase before death took him away. But the soldier knew exactly what was left to do...
The fight still rages on, and more helicopters fall down, burning in flames and debris... A deadly bunker, set up on a mountain, is just ashes after a smoking UH-1 crashes right in front of it. The stoned bunker bursts into debris, leaving nothing behind... More soldiers die, and not many succeed...
Debris, fire, gunshots, explosions, death... That's what contained the vietnam war...
Hope you liked this, I think I could have done a little better at the end though, tell me what you think!
Merry Christmas my friend,


FairSquare responds:

Yeah, i liked it!
And the ending was good i think, it fits the song.
Thanks for the great review and sorry for my late response :p

Good song

Sorry for the boring title, couldn't find better... So for the review, this song is very good, well mastered and everything... Even the little bells were really good. I like the dark feeling you managed to create in this song, it's very good. There is something quite interesting with this song, it really feels like any of DJ-Delinquents songs, but with a softer side, and... something that sounds like retro synths from the 80s? : / I dunno it's what it felt like to me... But then I guess that it's normal that it sounds like DJ-Delinquent, since this was a collab', and I also suppose that the dark part with satanist chanting was his, and the happy piano part was yours, wrong? That was an interesting mix, really. It was like exposing the dark twin and the angel twin, or something similar, but overall it was a good song. I also liked what Ericho said about the chanting saying "3 P.M.", that really made me laugh.
Now for the scene I created with this:
Unlike the other scenes I created for the forum, most of them had nothing to do with the original scenario or title... This scene has everything to do with it's title:
Hong Kong 11:28 P.M.
In one of the city's many skyscrappers, in a penthouse to be precise, two twins fight off in a vast, deserted, cold, concrete room situated on the building's last floor, with a glazed bay giving a view on the city nightscape.
The first twin is a high ranked chief of police, the youngest of the city. The other is the head of a triad. They have the same family blood, they are twins, but rage and justice in the eyes of law has ended in them fighting each other till one falls. For their own honor, they decide to end this rage in the most noble sword fight the entire city has ever seen. The dark duel has begun, the swords collide many times, showing off their rage, but they don't shake, showing that each twin is ready to die for what they stand for; justice or corrumption. But to their surprise, after all these years of pain, they can still feel the love they have for their family, the love each of them carry deep down. The duel rages on, each of them tightly holds on to their swords, and run torwards each other, yelling their last breath...
This fight had to end tonight...
Hope you like this scene as much as I do, tell me what you think,


Making parodys is easy, inventing something new and creative, that's something else.

Age 32, Male


Paris, FR

Joined on 2/5/07

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